Frequently asked question about finger prick sampling. Is your question not listed? Please contact us via [email protected].

Frequently asked questions
How to request the capillary blood collection by finger prick service for your patient?
To monitor a patient at home you can request a routine diagnostic test combined with finger prick home sampling in your EPD, identical to the system you already use to request a biologic test using venous blood. Test codes for finger prick routine measurement of biologics are listed on our website and are recognized by the F-code (Fingerprick). This service cannot be requested yet by completing and sending this form.
What’s in the kit?
- an instruction form
- two lancets
- an alcohol swab
- a plaster
- a sterile gauze
- a blood collection tube
- a return envelope (compliant to P650 regulation)
Is the kit MDR and IVDR compliant?
Yes, all components are compliant withg the current MDR and IVDR regulations. Please contact us at [email protected] to request the CE-certifications.
What will happen after you request capillary blood collection by finger prick for your patient?
Within one working day we will send a finger prick collection kit to the patient’s home address using PostNL. By using the instruction form the patient can perform a finger prick with the lancet to collect at least 8 capillary blood drops in the collection tube. The blood sample is directly send back to Sanquin Diagnostic Services in the return envelope via PostNL post. One day later the capillary blood in the collection tube arrives at the Biologics laboratory of Sanquin Diagnostic Services. Here, the blood sample will be tested using our in-house tests for the routine diagnostic measurement biologics. This is identical to the routine measurements that you normally request in venous blood. Test results will be provided to you using the identical route that is currently used for venous blood measurements.
What will happen if the patient does not return the capillary blood sample or is lost by PostNL?
Sanquin Diagnostic Services is not responsible for the correct execution of the finger prick. In case the collection tube is not returned to Sanquin Diagnostic Services by the patient within 14 days the blood test will be closed and you will be informed. We do not have a track-and-trace system (yet).
What will happen if the patient does not provide enough capillary blood to perform the test?
Sanquin Diagnostic Services is not responsible for the correct execution of the finger prick. In case the collection tube does not contain enough material to perform the diagnostic test, the blood test will be closed and you will be informed.
Is capillary blood as reliable as venous blood?
The Biologics laboratory in collaboration with the Sanquin research group of Dr. Theo Rispens and Dr. Gert-Jan Wolbink (Reade, Amsterdam) has performed extensive studies to validate capillary blood for measuring the concentration of biologics. We have performed in-house validation studies, but also collaborated with academic hospitals to validate capillary blood sampling in patients, using finger pricks. The results of these studies demonstrated that measuring natalizumab, adalimumab, vedolizumab and infliximab serum concentration in capillary blood is highly comparable to that of a standard intravenous blood sample in the same patient. On top of that, the Biologics laboratory already has a long history of experience in working with capillary blood in combination with dried blood spots as can be seen here.
What are the benefits of home-sampling?
All the benefits can be found here.
What is the effect of temperature during shipment on the capillary blood sample?
Depending on the season, the capillary blood may be exposed to low or high temperatures. We have previously shown that temperatures from 0 till 37 ◦C do not affect stability of biologics. When outiside temperatures are expected to fall outside these limits, patients are instructed as per the manual to hand in the collected capillary blood sample at a PostNL service point.
Does Sanquin Diagnostic Services also offer testing of other biomarkers in capillary blood?
Besides the measurement of several biologics, we also offer the testing of other biomarkers in capillary blood. Contact us at [email protected] for more information.
How do I know when the patient performed the finger prick?
In the instruction form we ask your patient to fill in the blood collection date on a separate form that is send to us together with the blood sample. In the result letter we will report this blood collection date to you together with the test results. Please note that you are responsible for deciding when the patient should collect his/her blood.
Is it allowed to send a finger prick to a patient for diagnostic purposes?
Yes, performing a finger prick is not restricted to a healthcare professional. In addition, the components in the home collecting kit are compliant with the current MDR or IVDR regulations and are CE-certified. Please contact us to request the CE-certifications. Sanquin has extensively validated the home collection kit and the results have been taken up in our quality system.