Sanquin was established in 1998 through a merger between the Dutch blood banks and the Central Laboratory of the Netherlands Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service (CLB). On the basis of the Blood Supply Act, Sanquin is the only organization in the Netherlands authorized to manage our need for blood and blood products.
The name Sanquin
The name Sanquin is a reference to the literal meaning of the word blood in French (sang) and Latin (sanguis). The correct pronunciation of Sanquin is 'Sankwien'.
Sanquin's logo
Sanquin’s logo, a stylised pelican, refers to the legend of the Dalmatian pelican. This pelican is said to have fed her starving young with her own blood. Just as the mother pelican so selflessly saved the lives of her offspring, so do generous donations of blood save the lives of patients.