
Anouk (AP) Jurgens

Research interests

Post-transcriptional regulation of T-cells; RNA binding proteins; T-cell markers


Cell culture, Western Blot, FACS, Mass Spectrometry, CRISPR/Cas9, Lentiviral and retroviral transduction, transfection, PCR, qPCR


sept 2019-present PhD student at the department of Hematopoiesis at Monika Wolkers Lab at Sanquin 
2017-2019 MSc Biomedical Sciences at UvA
  • Internship at department of Molecular Carcinogenesis NKI at Rene Bernards Lab 
  • Internship at department of Tumor Biololgy and Immunology NKI at Ton Schumacher Lab-
2016-2017 Internship at LUMICKS BV
2013-2016 BSc Amsterdam University College – Biomed Track