Gender Equality Plan Sanquin Research & Lab services
At Sanquin Research the gender balance for young scientists mirrors the gender balance of university students for the appropriate studies, indicating no gender bias in recruitment. Although the female/male ratio is decreasing towards more senior positions, Sanquin maintains an even balance, contrary to many of the benchmark organizations. Still, a number of actions will be taken to maintain or even increase this ratio in the future.
With respect to a safe and social working environment a number of measures are already in place. Next to offering personal development courses, monitoring (new) performance indicators and annual reporting to the management and senior staff will be strengthened. In A Sanquin-wide campaign “Undesirable behavior happens more often than you think” was launched in October 2022.
This Gender Equality Plan is published on the Sanquin Research & Lab services website and will be evaluated and updated at least annually.
Read the full GEP (pdf)