Complement Research
The complement research group is embedded in the department of Immunopathology. The main focus of our department is the regulation of immune responses against non-infections antigens. The complement system is a complex innate immune surveillance system responsible for the defense against invading microbes, inflammation and homeostasis of the host. Because of its strong pro-inflammatory effects it is important to confine complement activation, since it can potentially be harmful for the host. Therefore, a well-orchestrated balance between activation on foreign or modified self-surfaces and inhibition on intact host cells is essential to avoid tissue damage and to sustain homeostasis. To maintain this balance, several complement regulating proteins exist. Complement regulators are either soluble and present in blood or membrane bound.
The general aim of our research is to investigate how complement is regulated on different human host cells in health and disease. Next, we study how unwanted complement activation can be influenced in order to tip the balance back to normal and minimize or prevent damage to the host.
group Ilse Jongerius
- TSN, Dutch Thrombosis Foundation
- Contract research
- PPOC (internal funding in competition)