Presentations and papers
Oral presentations
Merz, E.-M., Ferguson, E., De Kort, W., & Van Dongen, A. (2017, June). Personal characteristics of blood donors influence their non-medical withdrawal. In Ullum, H. (Chair), Donor Psychology Symposium conducted at the 2017 International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT). Copenhagen: Denmark.
Piersma, T.W., Bekkers, R., De Kort, W., & Merz, E.-M. (2017, June). A life course perspective on blood donation: The influence of life events across the donor career. In Ullum, H. (Chair), Donor Psychology Symposium conducted at the 2017 International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT). Copenhagen: Denmark.
Slootweg, Y., Koelewijn, J., & Merz, E.-M. (2017, June). Facilitators and barriers for RhD-immunized women to become and remain anti-D donor. In Ullum, H. (Chair), Donor Psychology Symposium conducted at the 2017 International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT). Copenhagen: Denmark.
Prinsze, F.J., De Groot, R., Timmer, T.C., De Kort, W.L.A.M., Van den Hurk, K. (2017, June). Distribution of ferritin levels in Dutch donors – Are ferritin levels associated with low haemoglobin deferral at the subsequent donation? In Sørensen, B. &. Roberts, D. (Chairs) Donor Adverse Effects Symposium conducted at the 2017 International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT). Copenhagen: Denmark.
Published paper
Based on data from two waves Donor InSight, several articles have been published last year:
Van den Hurk, K., Zalpuri, S., Prinsze, F.J., Merz, E.-M., & De Kort, W.L.A.M. (2017). Associations of health status with subsequent blood donor behavior — an alternative perspective on the Healthy Donor Effect from Donor InSight. Plos ONE 12(10): e0186662.
Donors with a ‘good’ health status were less likely to stop donating blood and tended to donate blood more often than donors with perceived poorer health status.
Merz, E.-M., Zijlstra, B.J.H., & De Kort, W.L.A.M. (2017). Blood donor show behavior after an invitation to donate: The influence of collection site factors. Vox Sanguinis, 112, 628-637.
The collection sites of the blood banks have an important influence on individual return behaviour. If donors are treated friendly, competently and well during their donation they come back more often for a subsequent one.
Merz, E.-M., Van den Hurk, K., & De Kort, W.L.A.M. (2017). Organ donation registration among current blood donors in The Netherlands. Personal, cultural and network determinants. Progress in Transplantation, 27, 266-272.
Results from these papers show that blood donors are more often also registered organ donors, compared to the general population.
Slot, E., Zaaijer, H.L., Molier, M., Van den Hurk, K., Prinsze, F., & Hogema, B.M. (2017). Meat consumption is a major risk factor for hepatitis E virus infection. PLoS One, 12(4), e0176414.
Eating meat increases the risk of Hepatitis E infection in blood donors.
Schotten, N., Zalpuri, S, Pasker-de Jong, P., Swinkels, D.W., Van den Hurk, K., De Kort, W.L.A.M., Van Kraaij, M.G.J., Van Noord, P.A.H. (2018). Utility of zinc protoporphyrin in management of whole blood donors. Transfusion, 2018;58(3):692-700
Adding ZPP to Hb measurements in the daily blood collection setting, especially for first‐time donors and first‐time female donors may add to the identification of a donor subpopulation with low functional iron stores.